Go analog or upgrade digital

I have put my system together with the plan of adding a turntable and an audiophile computer based source eventually. I am about ready to audition turntables and can muster about 5K for an analog setup, have had my eye on the WTL Amadeus. My system components Ayon CD2, Shindo Auriegis MM, Genesis M60 monoblocs, Genesis 7.1c speakers and S4/8 sub.
Some reviews and posts have opined that very good digital AyonCD2 or high end the CD5 compares very well with analog. With my system and budget of 5K for a complete analog set up do you think I will be able to obtain better sound than the CD2? Another option sell the CD2 and the Shindo and purchase an Ayon CD5
and forgo analog. ( I think my head is going to explode)
The CD-2 does have a digital in and very good DAC. When I listened to the FIM recordings, Getz/Gilberto and Oscar Peterson (We Get Requests) My jaw dropped. If this is what a decent vinyl rig sounds like......
My other well recorded discs sound great and I keep reading how the CD-5 is in a different league........
I think you may want to buy used vinyl gears and get some decent recordings to try out. If you like vinyl sound, then think about upgrade and other better analog components. If not, you can always get rid of them via Audiogon. Although expensive, most of the 45 rpm reissues by Acoustic Sounds are awesome. I am a die-hard vinyl guy and only have a Rotel CD player that is 20 years old.
That may be a good option. I may buy an Acoustic Sounds reissue. I can probably get an older Linn TT over for an evening and have a listen, a little more information to help make a choice. Although there are so many variables it seems when I read about TT setups.
The difference between the CD-2 and my older Rotel and Onix/Music Hall CDP's
is striking.
Ok, I'll venture into uncharted waters...

Get some 5K turntable that you like...maybe a used Brinkman, if such a thing exists? (Brinkman makes some great turntables) Then, hook up a computer, any computer, to your main system. That way, you can get digital that has the essence of the music...YouTube. There are so many stellar performances there that it is mind boggling. It's not high-end, but ask yourself, are you into equipment, or music?

Me? I'm in love with the nuances of cutting edge equipment, but I would give it all up if I couldn't experience the passion of a live performance. At times, YouTube gives us that better than anything else.

Saskia Turntables
Jazzybs, I did the later "upgraded my digital" and have been doing this for the last 5 years to the point I'm done. I wish I would have exsperienced what I have back then but at the same time it has been fun and educational. If I only knew what I know now, "I prefer vinyl", I'm hooked!

What some have said above is true, vinyl can be exspensive because if you are like me and starting from nothing once you have gotten the "bug" and heard a proper set-up in your own place well you are will most likely be hooked too.

No way does my over 40k worth of digital set-up even come close to my 25k worth of analog set-up, hope you have some money socked away because you will be spending lots on getting new albums like I have. I went from a few months ago only owning 6 albums to now over 150, which is hardly nothing compared to others but listening to these pces is so exciting and has left me in awe.

So relaxing, natural sounding, my speakers have never heard such, the whole sonic spectrum, I have never heard the highs, midrange or bass like I'm hearing them now in my set-up, I always thought digital was a better performer specifically in the bass region and top end etc., no way!not in my set-up currently.

It really helps if you have someone exspearienced for set-up and to guide you along the proper path.

Wanna buy some top notch digital pces at 50% off list? MBL 1621a transport, Acustic Arts Tube Dac and that will end your search for digital.