Changing from an XV1-S

Hi All

I'm considering (read hankering) for a new cartridge. I have been using a Dynavector XV1-S for a while now and although it really is good I feel that other manufacturers have overtaken this recently with units that cost a 'tad' less.

It's going on my VPI Classis/ 10.5 and the new Whest PS.30RDT Special Edition/ Conrad Johnson ART MK1/ Levinson 331 Poweramp/ JM Lab Scala Utopia. The general sound from the system is excellent to bloody brilliant BUT having just heard an Ortofon Cadenza Black in the system I am led to believe that the XV1-S technology is 'getting on'.

A friend has recommended the Ortofon A90 or Lyra Titan.
Is there anything else I should look at?

My musical tastes are wide BUT do not include Opera, Classical or choir. I like vocals but love instumentals.

Thanks for your help - if I get any :)


I am happy to hear that you found a cartridge that pleases you more than the Dynavector. I never doubted that your table was more than suitable for bring out a high level of performance from your candidate cartridges. It is clear that, in your system, and for your particular sonic preferences, the Ortofon is more suitable.

My issue is not with your choice, but, the way others will take that information and try to glean a rough "consensus" about the relative merits of particular cartridges. I know it is not easy for anyone to audition a wide range of alternatives, so a rough poll might be better than nothing, but still, one should be open minded about negative views of certain candidates. I would also add that there is often a herd mentality when something new is introduced that may unfairly favor the newer product when it comes to toting up raves on the internet. Examples would be the opinions on Shelter, ZYX, Miyabe. . . the list goes on and on.

From the opinions posted above, I noted that some thought of the Titan as a "classical music cartridge." While I do listen to a lot of classical, I actually listen more to CDs for classical (much wider selection) and use my phono system more for rock and jazz. In my system, the Titan sounds VERY good. If I were forced to make a choice, I would pick the Titan over my other cartridge, the Orpheus L, and I really like the Orpheus L too. In his review of the Orpheus L, Michael Fremer noted that he has made CD-R recordings of the Orpheus L and the A90 for making head-to-head comparisons. He stated that most of the listeners preferred the Orpheus. I don't know how fair such comparisons are, but, it does show that the list of contenders is WIDE. My own short list of contenders would include: the Air Tight PC-1, Lyra Titan, Orpheus L, London Decca, Allaerte Reference, Koetsu Onyx Platinum, and Van Den Hul Colibre, and Ortofon PW (I have not yet heard the A90). These all sound different, but, I've heard them all sound really good in well set up systems.
Here's another thought and question on the XV-1s; is there such thing as a cartridge that is very, very, close to the XV-1s in sound quality and overall character, but at a more reachable cost? A "poor man's" XV-1s?
How about an older Transfiguration Temper? The Trans'fig's are very similar in sound to DV's, and with the Orpheus out in production now you may be able to pick up a Temper at a good price (I did).

I liked the Temper/Temper V cartridges, but, they were a bit dynamically dull and polite sounding (some would say "dark") for my taste. The Transfiguration line changed quite a bit toward a punchier sound with the Orpheus and with the cheaper Phoenix. There is not that much talk about the Phoenix, but, for a lot less money, that is a very good, lively cartridge.
Yesterday, I had a chance to listen to A90 and a Dynavector XV1-S on a high resolution system. The A90 is new (and possibly not completely broken-in). My XV1-S has 2500 +/- 500 hours of use and it not the most recent iteration.

We played a variety of music. Keeping in mine the caveats described above, I preferred the A90 which to my ear did nothing worse and a few things better. The A90 bass was tauter (but not lean) and the performance just seemed a little better integrated, i.e. musicans playing in unison rather than separately.

Both are terrific cartridges. As always YMMV