Albertporter only needs 50

Hey Audiogoners,

Albertporter has made a great offer to coordinate the bulk purchase of cryoed Hubbel outlets. My feeling if it's good enough for Albert's system, it's good enough for mine. But we need more people to participate to make it worth while. Check this post out:

If you don't have time to check out the entire post here is Albert's offer:

"If a group of you want to go together, buy a box or case of outlets, I can get a quantity discount for us for the full cryo treatment. There will be no special packaging or wrappers, but you will have ultimate performance for a fraction of the cost.(This is exactly what I did)."

I spoke with Albert earlier today and he is willing to arrange for the purchase of the outlets in Dallas, have them treated and then probably ship them out Fedex ground. Albert would be doing us all a favor and his only interest is in helping the audio community. Let him know how many you are interested in. I'm in for six (6).
It may be a LOT easier to squeeze some crushed dry ice into the contact areas of a P&S or Hubbell to get the same results efficiently. Or liquid nytrogen if you've a friend shoo's a dermotologist and owes you a favor!

If you're willing to take on such an endeavor, I could use 4 duplex (2 plugs per) receptacles (and a bigger feed from the road - 60 amps... oh, the humanity!)

Just a reality check for all of us dreaming cryo'ed AC dreams - this will take time, and will be a humongous effort. I remember organizing a group gift of a DVD player for a friend as a wedding gift. That was difficult enough. With all of the shipping addresses etc, this will be an involved effot, to say the least.

Thanks - if this comes to fruition, you've done a great service to all. If not, your thoughts and intentions are heroic.