Downgrading from Rega P5, what next?

I've got twins on the way in the spring, and have a 4 year old.. My current listening time of 2 hours a week will get cut down even further..

I currently run Rega P5 w/ TTPSU and DV 10x5. I've scaled back my entire rig and am using a Marantz PM8003 with its internal phono.

If I sell the Rega rig, what would be a good table to look at in the $3-500 range? I love the Rega soundstage so am looking for something comparable in that league. Project RM1.3 looks appealing, along with a Technics 1200.

Any thoughts? I'd be keeping the DV 10x5 for use in future rigs. Part of me says keep the rig, the other says downgrade to free up cash for the upcoming ski season :)
I don't get the sense of your original post at all. Why would you get rid of a nice Rega P5 just because you're going to have kids? And what is a cheaper turntable supposed to solve? If you sell the P5 you take a big hit on depreciation, and entry level turntables have gotten at least 20% more expensive in the last couple years, so there will be a much bigger gap in quality for the amount of money "saved."

If it's a matter of not playing the music because the babies are sleeping, then--like others said--get a nice headphone rig for your current system. But it makes no sense whatsoever to downgrade your turntable. After you get the babies to sleep and you need to relax, won't the P5 do a better job of that than a decidedly lower rez Debut III or P1?
I agree with Johnnyb53. Keep the P-5. Happy Listening, and my best wishes for health and happiness to your growing family.
Keep the P5 unless you're strapped for cash. I lost my listening room due to our first child being due any day now. My TT simply won't work out well in the living room, so it it's boxed up and stored until we move, hopefully in a year or two. If I needed the money, I'd have sold it.

By the time you sell the P5 and buy something like a P2, your profit margin is going to small, if not non-existent. Unless you're buying second hand. Only you know if you need the extra money or not. If it's not about raising money, keep it IMO.