Cryo'ed LP's

I'm getting ready to cryo a boat load of gear and was thinking about getting some of my best vinyl done. Anyone done this? If so what were your results?

If you have not done this to your LP's I'd rather not hear how lame this idea sounds... I'm sure I will anyway.
Dear Srwooten: ++++ " I'd like to extend the life of my vinyl ... " ++++++

who told you that that could help and that you Lp's goes " for ever "?, even if a person already do it he can't tell you.

Maybe is more unexpensive don't play to often your LP's: this IMHO and the take care on cartridge stylus cleaning and LP cleaning and how you " stock " the LP's and how your care handling it is what could give you extended life.
The other subject that could help for your target is to paste your valuable LP's on a hard disk and heard these copies instead the LP's.

Anyway, your LP's and money: your call, good luck.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Haven't done it, just a guess but I would expect the records to sound colder, less warm after wards, more like digital.

I'm only half kidding on this.....
Srwooten, yes, I've cryo'd LPs; I've also frozen them in the freezer, which works surprisingly well. If you don't mind my asking, how much is it these days to cryo an LP?
Geoff- $75 for the first 9 lbs. I'm trying to treat 400lbs of gear at 2.75/lb.

Raul- I guess I could play them never and they would really last ;-)
I had Cryogenics International in Scottsdale cryo many interconnects, CDs, and yes, some LP's. Leave the cardboard covers home and cryo only with sleeve on. There is no moisture, so sleeve won't stick. Cables did take a time to break in again but were quieter. The biggest improvement came from the CD's. Try a listening test with a treated and untreated CD of the same; the treated has a lower noise floor and will sound smoother. I was told the improvement was due to removing imperfections in the aluminum disc and plastic it is sealed in that prevents the player going into error correction often. I also felt the LP' s I did were quieter but the difference was subtle compared to the CD's. Long story short is it can't hurt the record and doesn't warp it. I need to treat my tubes; it is excellent for them.