Cryo'ed LP's

I'm getting ready to cryo a boat load of gear and was thinking about getting some of my best vinyl done. Anyone done this? If so what were your results?

If you have not done this to your LP's I'd rather not hear how lame this idea sounds... I'm sure I will anyway.
Yes, I was serious about the home freezer and, yes, I realize the temperatures are not as low as cryo temps.

I used Cryo International. They listed LP's as one of the items they cryod. Mined were all destroyed.
Highendman, the only things I can think of are (1) the proper ramp down, dwell and ramp up timing protocol for LPs was not employed in your case for some reason, perhaps an error or (2) the LPs were exposed to excessive heat somehwere along the line during shipping/treatment. Did you discuss the damage with Cryo International and, if so, did they provide an explanation?
"Did you discuss the damage with Cryo International and, if so, did they provide an explanation? "

I'm sure the only thing that would stop a company in the cryo business from cryoing anything the customer desires is the risk of a lawsuit.

The ability to do something and charge for it does not necessarily mean there is any benefit.