VPI Classic hum

Got mine a few weeks ago. Installed it with a high-output Benz Ace H cartridge. Loved the sound but there was a hum when I turned the preamp volume past the 10 o'clock position. Later changed to a Clearaudio Concerto, the hum was quieter, but wouldn't go away no matter what I tried.

Then I read the manual closely, and it said something about using shielded interconnects. So I tried a pair of Rega Couple wires, which are made from Klotz cable, and are shielded.

And you know what, the hum just vanished! Now I'm at peace ...

Just to share with those have hum issues with the Classic. Do share your solutions.
Well, the new Dynavector 10X5 didn't work. Tomorrow it's off to the dealer to see about fixing this.
Macster, I own a VPI Classic 1 (w/Classic 3 wand upgrade). My "primary" carty is a Sound Smith Zephyr. No hum and not even using a ground wire from the TT to the phono pre. My back-up is a Dynavector 20X2 (H). No hum with that carty either.

I've also used a Clearaudio Maestro and Ortofon 2M Black. Those carties didn't work out for me because of compatibility issues, which may have been my fault. But no hum with either of these carties.

Check Macdadtexas comments above. I tend to agree with him. I think it's the motor and the fix is using a well shielded carty like a Sound Smith or DV. I don't know if Clearaudio or Ortofon carties are well shielded, but as stated, no hum problem for me.

I have read elsewhere that Grados are susceptible to hum, but VPI mounts them as options. Maybe the VPI Grados are special order??? Dunno.

Thanks for the info, I have been following this thread for a long time. I tried to see if I could do a low "cost fix" myself. So far I have spent $500.00 which was my budget for "self fixes." Since I need one of the cartridges that you mentioned (my dealer carries both) I am going to buy it from him and let him do the install. Most likely I will go with the Soundsmith, because it will probably last longer with the way I handle cartridges.
You will really enjoy that soundsmith cartridge. Mine sounds great on the classic 1