Canada Rocks: 70s lost lps pt 2...

Our friends to the North who guzzle beer and impart violence on each other on skates..on ice...with sticks...have a quirky rock heritage...Prism, Saga, Triumph, Trooper, etc...any other "under the radar" Canucks that rock?
April Wine, and they are still going at it. I am seeing them at my local small venue.
Wow...a Triumph reference! That was a kick a** band with Rik Emmett on guitar. I love it! As a lad growing up outside Buffalo, NY, I was exposed to a good deal of Canuck rock. I also owned Prism's first LP.

Might I suggest Max Webster? Long time opening band for Rush (but I'm sure *you* know of this band).

Those fortunate to live in Chicago, Buffalo, and other USA cities that get Canadian radio stations are more exposed to current Canadian bands...but there's Arcade Fire, The Tragically Hip.

I'm afraid that living in Los Angeles, I'm out of touch.

Here's list of Canadian bands.

Thanks for the thread, and have fun!