Try a different turntable?

Ever since getting into audio, I've owned a VPI turntable (HW19 upgraded with heavier platter, SAMA, JMW arm). It sounds good, without question. But I've been curious about other TTs that (folks say) come from a different design philosophy--Linn and Rega are often mentioned in this connection.

For the next two years, I am in the fortunate position of having two stereo systems; then I will retire and consolidate into one house and one system. I've set up my second system except for vinyl. What 'table/arm combos would folks recommend as an alternative to the VPI (at about the same price)? Ideally also it would be a tad smaller than the big VPIs since I have less space in the retirement home.

I listen to a little of everything, but like acoustic music (classical, folk, jazz) best, and am looking for a setup that will really connect with the music.

Thanks for suggestions!
HW19 upgraded with heavier platter, SAMA, JMW arm)is not only a great table but in many ways better than most of what is being offered today.Most players and that includes VPI are cutting corners and using non suspended tables as their offerings claiming that non suspended is best.The suspended tables are more expensive to manufacture and to maintain. I would stick with the Hw19 and enjoyit and just work on better ways to isolate .
While I agree with Schipo on retaining the VPI (and its underscoring quality), you do seem to be in a position to try other tables just for the sake of it so why not. Maybe you can convince a local dealer or two to let you trial some tables in the other system, and with the wide open resale market, you could probably buy and sell some of the fad alternatives (ie direct drives and rimdrives) being touted. Who knows you may become a debunker in the process...
However, If you want to just try something similar in design and concept, maybe a used similar vintage SOTA Star, however they still have a largish footprint and real heavy.....
Dear Magister: I assume that you want to improve the quality performance on your analog rig and if this is true maybe is a better " road " make a change on your cartridge or tonearm or both, other possibility is to up-grade/migrate to a better phono stage. Not knowing your system is hard to say which could be a good " road " to take.

regards and enjoy the music,
Suspended tables vs non suspended in my humble opinion neither is a better of the other design. Both designs are dependent on the choice of arm you mate with it and the cartridge you mate to that arm. Both set up properly and with an arm not dependant of cost but weight and design for a given table will ultimately yeild great results. The phono stage is oft not given the attention it deserves especially if one is using a quality high end low output MC cartridge making the phono stage that much more critical. Isolation is important for either suspended or non suspended tables.