AT440mla, ortofon 2m red, or JICO SAS tip for mx97

Due to an unfortunate cleaning accident, my cantilever on my Shure mx97e was bent beyond repair. Now I am in a dilemma. I have a Fisher MT-6330 turntable Low Fi I know but I have made enhancements. It's a direct drive unit but has a unique 120 pole motor and a repectable 1kg platter. speed is DEAD ON. I have assembled a Janus mat (dynamat and cork); a 680 gram record weight (custom machined with 45 rpm adapter) and choice plinth mods to quiet it down It is well leveled Was aligned to perfection with a protractor from vinylengine; and overall sounded way beyond my expectations
It is christmas time and I am torn between 3 choices I can score a new model AT440mla for 99.00 or ortofon 2m red or 129 for the JICO SAS Stylus

thanks, I appreciate the nod.. i find that even with my modest setup the mx97e has surprised me over the budget AT it came with... I was on the fence after much reviews... Seemed like it was AT 440mla is noisy on older records, ortofon 2m red is good but it elliptical and I think I'm ready for the next step... I found it at LP Gear for 129.00 is that going to be my best deal? And as far as alignment goes; Would you suggest a loefgren, baerwald, or stevenson alignment? I found the baerwald most pleasing with the elliptical diamond. However the shape of the SAS has me asking questions. I am not exactly a newb but I find myself only setting up my mediocre tables correctly now... i have found that properly alignment is key to the vinyl magic, though. Thanks for the insight...

I've bought all my SAS styli direct from Jico,

They ship quickly and have been great to deal with. I won't deal with LP Gear due to some prior problems I've had with them.

I use Baerwald whenever possible, Stevenson otherwise.
I must admit to being somewhat tepid about the JICO SAS on my V15Vmr. I don't think that it is up to the sound quality of the original stylus on my other V15Vmr. That said, I found the 440 to be very bright and the Red has a bonded stylus, and that would put both of them out for me.

What concerns me is the SAS is a radical cut stylus that requires exacting VTA/SRA. I don't think that the Fisher will get you there. So my suggestion is to get the regular JICO elliptical stylus for the M97xE, or a Shure M97xE replacement, by process of elimination.