Conrad Johnson Premier 3A = Dry sound?? Opinions please


I recently bought a second hand CJ 3a tube pre-amp that brings a welcome improvement in my system (Bryston 7B ST and KEF reference 4) but...... There seems to be somtheing missing.

The sound is leaning on the dry side and I don't have that bloomy, palpable yet transparant sound that I was looking for. The fat/syruppy bass could also be a bit more controlled (ehh. dry??).. Oh yes, and through my 92 db sensitivity KEF's I hear a lot of 'pink noise' !!

I wonder if the tubes are worn or something (GE).

Anyone with experience with this oldie?? I'am now thinking of buying a dedicated Btyston pre-amp to get that transparant, controlled sound.

Any ideas??


I dont have that problem with my C.J. Premier 3 preamp.Might have to check and test the tubes,might be in the preamp too long.You didnt specify how long the tubes were in the preamp.I'm using it with a MOSFET S.S.amp by C.J.
There is definitely something wrong with your unit. I would start with a good cleaning and a retube. The 3 is emphatically not a dry sounding preamp when working properly. Having said that, it is also not the most transparent preamp available today.
Thank you for your reactions. I will have my tubes measured next week. The guy I bought them from said tubes were 3/4 year old and therefore 'as new'. After contacting CJ's famous consumer service that they last about 1000-1500 hours, so this will probably last 1,5 years or so.

I compared my CJ pre-amp with an Audio Research LS 8 mkII. That's where the comparison of a dry sound came from.

I still have to get used to 'planning' my listening sessions with a tubed component. I used to listen a lot of moments (almost every spare moment), but I keep getting the feeling that it's not good switching the unit on and off all the time...

I'll post an update as soon as I know more.


I have a prem 3 amp, any suggestions as to what brand of tube to use as I plan to re tube the unit. ! Ed
also, how does it compare to the PV series, 10, 11 etc. ?