Tonearm choices

hey all

newbie here but like many, I have been getting advice from you guys for years....and thank you:)

I recently had all my kit stolen including my TT. If you ever see a TW Raven One with a broken Jelco 10.5 and cantilever-less Benz Wood LP, it was mine :)

I was fortunate to have some a little 'windfall' which I used partly for a new/used Merc and wife and whatever left went to the audio. So I got myself a great deal on a TW AC and Transfiguration Orpheus, Whest Audio MC REF V Mk4 phono preamp, Ayre K5 and V5 pre-power and Wilson Watt Puppy 8.
The puppies they did not take!!! I wonder why?

I have spoken to a few people about arms but have now got it down to about 4 arms. TW Raven tonearm, Graham Phantom, Triplanar OR wait another 6 months to see what happens.

James at Whest Audio recommended the Graham and TW but favours the TW because it might take a while to get a Phantom (so he was told) and he has heard a lot of positives about the TW arm. My dealer recommended the Triplanar because he has one and feels it is MUCH better than the Phantom. A good friend and Phantom user recommends the Phantom but has not heard the other 2.

I like the Whest approach as there is no bias there.
I like the dealer approach as he is a triplanar user.
My friend is a nutcase but I believe him.

Which way do I turn? At present I'm using a modified REGA RB351. It's good but I think you all know what I mean. The amazing thing is the Raven AC/Orpheus/ Whest MC REF V/ makes the Rega sound quite stunning. But I tried an older Graham 2.0 and it just blew the RB351 out of the water.

So the question is has anyone compared these 3 tonearms or is there something else out these?


Call Jeffrey Catalano at High Water Sound in NYC. He is the imprter/distributor of the TW Acustic line and will steer you in the right direction: 212-608-8841
I have the TW ACUSTIC 10.5 arm on TW ACUSTIC AC tuntable wonderful arm great macro/ micro dynamics great sounstage bass speed etc.
Dear Grubscrew, you see - two answers and both show once more, that certain manufacturers and their supporters are much more "remote" Graham.
Personally I strongly advice to give each of the prospective candidates a listen over a few days with your favorite music ( and favorite cartridge ...) and - if possible - in a familiar set-up. You will spending a few thousand US$ and should only trust your own ears and not the "heat of the moment".
Enjoy the search.