Considering analog...but nervous

Well, I've been here before. Once again, I'm thinking of venturing into the Analog world, but before doing so, I wanted to pose a few questions to fellow agoners to make sure my head (ears?) are in the right place.

Some Background: My current setup consists of a Modwright Transporter, Musical Fidelity KW 500 (hybrid tube pre/SS Amp), and Focal/JM 1027be speakers. My entire current collection is digital and I have NEVER owned Vinyl before NOR have I ever heard a high-end Analog setup.

My Tastes/musical likes: I am all about soundstage and imaging. Vocal accuracy is hugely important and instrument placing (hence, imaging) are part of what I look for when listening. Genre wise, mostly rock, folk, acoustic and blues. Some jazz as well. I generally try to stick to labels that produce good-sounding material...not over-compressed garbage.

On with the questions:

1. One of the biggest things that has kept me from trying Vinyl thus far is the concern of excessive hiss and crackle/pop that vinyl is known for. Is it safe to assume that purchasing new Vinyl and played on a higher quality setup will reduce (eliminate?) the pops and crackle sounds? I have no problem purchasing exclusively new vinyl, knowing full well that the process of shopping used is what draws so many to this market...

2. If I purchase new vinyl, only play it on a decent player, and store it properly, will I still have to clean it? How expensive is a cleaning machine? Are there (reasonable), less expensive alternatives to a cleaning machine?

3. Based on my integrated (tube-pre,SS amp) and speakers, are these a good match for Vinyl? Does anyone know if the KW 500 Phono input is adequate for a good turntable? My digital system has a tendency to be on the bright side for a lot of material, but not everything. Strangly, even at 31 years old, I can still hear up to around 19Khz so I'm a bit picky about the highs...

4. How complicated is the setup of the TT? Being that I've never worked wtih it before, I'm somewhat intimidated by the "setup" requirements of the equipment. What are the core requirements/knowledge to properly setup a TT.

5. And finally, the most subjective question of all. If I had a budget of about $1,000-$1,500 for a TT, Tonearm and Cartridge, what would be a good starting place? I'd obviously be looking for used here from Agon.

I know this was a long post so thanks for hanging in and reading it all :-). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


I'm not going to blow you any smoke rings...

Shopping for, storing, care taking and playing vinyl is not a casual, so what sort of thing if you consider yourself a fan of quality audio playback. It requires developing a desire to make the effort learn some skills in setup and handling and the ritual of playing vinyl.

If you are one who has grown up with only the experience of plopping in a shiny disc into a player or even newer turn on an MP3 player etc. to listen to stored music, well unless you are willing to make the effort, vinyl may not be for you. BUT! if you care to get into it, learn the ritual and take the time and effort vinyl playback can be a rewarding experience and on a decent system with proper setup and care give you fantastic audio quality.

One does not have to take out a second mortgage to buy into quality vinyl payback. Today there are good choices of new and used turntables that can get you maybe 8.5-9/10ths the sound of the best vinyl setups and can do so for easily $1000-$2000. This would include:

A new or quality used even vintage turtable.
A good quality cartridge
A good quality phono preamp
A daily cleaning section from a brush to sylus cleaner
A good setup to get you into either vacuuming, steaming, or quality non-vacuuming cleaning setup.

I myself since returning back to vinyl in 2003 have a gone through entry level new table, to a mid range new table to building a couple of DIY tables and to now a fine working vintage turntable, which is a then TOL JVC QL-Y5F which IMO can go toe to toe with most any <$1500 table sold new today. I have a modest but respected Denon DL-110 cartridge on it and it works great. I'm running a decent Cambridge Audio 640P phono preamp and have invested now after trying things from DIY vacuuming to steam cleaning etc. I have a Spin Clean system and for $80 is a steal IMO.

My phono setup is not the best nor even close to being expensive but since I take on the ritual of vinyl payback highly and do the best I can to care and maintain my albums and phono setup I get great audio performnace.

99% of my vinyl bought after 2003 (I had about 50 LP's in storage bough brand new in early to mid 80's) is used and mostly from thrift shops. I have bought over 600 used LP's since 2003. You can often land very good condition vinyl from used shops. But it will be hit and miss. That said not all new vinyl is perfect either. Many vinyl buyers flame on at how bad some new pressings can be.

So pros:

It can be fun.
You can do a lot of swapping out, experimenting and upgrading as time passes.
You have lots of low priced used vinyl out there.
You can get nice quality new vinyl too.
You have beautiful album covers and inner sleeves.
You can if you take the time to setup get a fine sounding setup that will match or even better most anything in the digital world.

Finaly NO! if you want absolute quiet, no noticeable background noise, you will not get it quite as good with vinyl. Yes, good and well cared for vinyl can sound almost as quiet. Vinyl being a mechanical medium will have a bit of a higher noise floor but it's not as obtrusive as the unwashed anti-vinyl yappers try to claim. Used vinyl can be noisy, mostly due to lack of proper care from previous owners. But clean vinyl is not all "crackly and clicky" but is smooth and can be quit velvety in sound.

Good luck if you choose to play down this audio path. It can be fun, rewarding and a pleasure in listening but it will be more work and have higher rituals required to get that analogue sound out of your system.
lps are fun but take work
cds are fun and easy
downloads are dangerous because you can spend money 24/7
being an audio enthusiast is fun
go for it
To confess: I got back into Analog about ten years ago when a pile of classica LPs appeared to be a good deal. I though about it for a week, then bought the Lps with no TT, no Phono pre.
So I bought, and bought.. I had about 12,000 LPs and BOOM had to move, so i dumped 6,000 back into to stream.
Now i have a Rega P5 with power supply and a Benz Glider, via a Bryston phono 1.5
Then a Kuzma Stogi S with a Dynvector 17D3 through an Audio Research Sp-15,
Then i still have a Dual Golden one with a Shure V15Vmr and an Audio Research PH-2. Plus a Dynavector Ruby23, and some other carts laying around..
So i am set on Lp stuff.
Even so I often stick five CDs into a changer and let it play....
Vinyl is a fad, like breeding Labradoodles. Your chance of success is about the same, commitment, patience and persistance may get you there. Then again, most likely, your puppies will just be mutts.

And if you think that watching a video by Mike Fremer will teach you to set-up a turntable.......well you have as much chance as watching a porno movie and becoming a porn star.

Leave the analog to the old dogs, like myself, that never abandoned the medium. If you do decide to get into analog you'll find us in the used record store, reading the lead out grooves, and scooping up the records that you don't know that you want.