Schröder Tonearm

Anyone have any thoughts concerning Frank Schröders Tonearms,especially the No 2,now that they have been around for quite a while.
How have they stood the test of time ?
Thanks, Tawa
Dear Syntax, I fear to be killed by the present -day Americans for bringing the news that Boolos got Australian
nationality from me. I was very hasty to compensate Halcro
for the damage done to his proud country but was also suprised by his reaction because I somehow thought that my
intention to be funny was obvious. This is btw not the first time that my Balkan humour caused 'some' trouble.
I am a great admirer of Frege so when I come across the
article 'Frege,Boolos,and Logical Objects' by Australasian
Association of Philosophy I somehow assumed that Boolos was
a descendant of Aristoteles. Anyway I was very, very glad
that Freges's problem was at last solved while I have read
only the introduction. No sence to read the rest because of
the mind blowing complexity.
You guys are quite entertaining, please continue.
And messengers were not always killed, let's not distort history.
Dear Inna, no, they weren't always killed ..... the poor guy who ran from Marathon to Athens to bring the news of victory over the persians invasion army, dropped dead with exhaustion after shouting "we've won!" .... kind of D.O.A. ..... and that was after all a very good news he was bringing.
Syntax was rather referring to the immortal stoning scene in Monty Phyton's "Life of Brian" I presume ....
D.O.A., right. Even a good news can be a killing thing, can it not? On the other hand, it was a bad news for Persians so they killed him, in a sense.
They had already sealed their victory .... so no need to rush...;-) ... while he ran to Athens, the rest of the persian infantry and archery were drowned in the swampy shore sands of Marathon Plain.