Phono Input or new Phono preamp?

Some of you may have been following my recent post regarding my foray into Analog. After much consideration and loads of helpful advice, I have decided to purchase my first Turntable setup.

The turntable is going to be a VPI Classic I and I am seriously considering the Dynavector 20XH Cartridge. My current Amp/Pre is a Musical Fidelity KW-500 Integrated and a pair of Focal/JMLab 1027be speakers.

The Phono input on the KW-500 is MM (2.5mV - can't seem to find the gain figure published anywhere). From what people have advised so far, this input should be able to handle either a MM or a MCHO cartridge. With the Dynavector 20XH rated at 2.8mV, it seems like a good match but again, I'm completely new to this.

Because the KW-500 was such a limited production piece (500 units), there is very little mention of it's performance as a phono preamp anywhere else on the net. My concern is that I don't want my existing phono input on the KW to be the weakest link in the analog chain right out of the gate. If this is the case, I'd really like to consider the possibility of a dedicated Phono preamp.

I'm looking for opinions on whether you all think I could get a better preamp for somewhere in the $500-$800 range than what I can currently get out of my KW-500 phono input. If I WAS to go with a dedicated phono pre, I would likely also then have the option of going with a MCLO cartridge (ie. Dynavector 20X 1mv Special). Does the 20x 1mV tend to fare more favorably than the 20XH (2.8mV)? In what ways does it's sound vary (for anyone with first hand knowledge of the two)?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

It doesn't cost anything to start with the built-in phono of the MF integrated amp. Musical Fidelity has had a long appreciation for and relationship with vinyl playback. If it turns out that the phono stage is as good as I think it'll be, then for LOMCs you may want to get an optimized transformer instead of a whole new phono stage.

I also agree that there are some excellent carts for less money from the likes of Audio Technica and Denon. Get the capacitive load right, and the AT150MLX mm cart may make you forget all about high priced MCs and phono stages, at least for now. I'm astounded nightly by the music this cart pulls out of a vinyl groove.
Dear Fatgh0st: IMHO your KW500 is a lot better that what the people here seems to me they are thinking.

I agree with Johnnyb53, IMHO the best you can do is to work/test your MF KW500 with a good MM cartridge ( as a fact your unit was designed for use with with MM cartridges. ).

His advise on that Audio Technica cartridge is a good one and you have other nice alternatives too like Nagaoka MP-50 or MP-500 ( you can buy from LPgear. ) or the Garrot Optim from Garrot brothers.
IMHO any of these MM/MI cartridges outperforms the Dynas named here and could compete with LOMC ones.

Btw, the HOMC cartridges normally represents the worst of MM and LOMC worlds. I can't recommend a HOMC as a good alternative for you.

Regards and enjoy the music,
The KW500 spec sheet says: Phono Input sensitivity 2.5mV. If you take that number over to KAB's phono preamp calculator, you'll see that it translates into 40dB gain.
So I think I'm just going to roll with the 20XH and my KW500 Phono input for now and see how things go. If it doesn't work out, I can always upgrade the phone stage later.

Using that same calculator on the KAB page, It claims that the ideal gain for my cartridge (based on 2.8mV output) is actually 41dB. Since my Phono stage in the KW is rated at 40dB (2.5mV input sens.), it seems like a good match. Or am I mis-reading/mis-understanding something here???

Thanks again for all your advice and feedback!

A 2.8mV cartridge will work fine with your Musical Fidelity integrated. I agree with others that you should listen to the built-in phono stage before you start upgrading. At the very least, it will give you a reference point to move forward.

The Dyna 20XH is a very nice cartridge. There's no doubt about that. I haven't heard the AT150MLX, but it gets high praise from owners. So does the Nagaoka MP-50 that Raul mentioned.