Arc-PH-5 what tubes should I use

My unit takes 4 6922's. My dealer is trying to sell me these RAM tubes that are low noise for 90.00 each. It seems to me that this is on the high-side. I can buy tubes from ARC that are 35.00 each. Do you think these low noise tubes are a gimmick or do they really work. Were looking at a price difference of 220.00. Is it worth it?
You can get a quad of Amperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8s for under $100 that will crush any current production tubes.
The best I have tried are 6H23N's these can be had for silly money,about $4 a pop,speak to Anton at
ARC gear has always had an affinity with Amperex tubes especially the 6922 types. These just spank any of the Russian variety’s including the 6H23N's which are only marginally better than your garden variety Sovtek tube.

My favorites are either the pinched waist 6922’s or 7308’s from Holland. A quad of either will set you back a serious chunk of change. Good alternatives which are still miles ahead of stock tubes are either bugle boys or orange globes.