Record weights 'n clamps: Audible improvements ?

I am hearing a significant sound improvement using the TTClassic Record Weight and Level Combo.

Anyone else think those make a difference ?
Don't know about weights but screwing the clamp on my VPI table on and off every 20 minutes drives me crazy. Lately I just use it on really warped records. I don't notice much difference on most records anyway.
It took me 30 seconds with a friends clamp to decide that it is worth every penny!
The VPI HRX clamp and ring are easy to use (other than having a place to put the outer ring while changing LP's/sides)
Warped records are no longer an issue.

I agree with Arnold Layne above. I just got a VPI Classic with the clamp and ring, and it really is a joy to use the combo. I even get a bit of a "workout" changing sides, so what the heck! Seriously, have not a/b'd between using them and not using them, but I think they level and smooth everything out, and add even a bit more mass to the platter, which I think is a good thing for the Classic. Jrb25, you should get the HRX weight--you don't have to screw and unscrew the weight. Probably worth the $$ to spare that aggravation.
I own a Linn Sondek LP12. Anybody ever heard of, or used a record clamp with an LP12? Does Linn even make, or recommend such an animal?