Aerius i: Will CJ CAV50 or MV55 drive them ok??

I was wondering if either of these Conrad Johnson's
would drive the Martin Logan Aerius i?? I never listen
at loud levels but I do like a medium level just loud
enough to make things lively. Both amps are 45w/ch.

I like the idea of the CAV50 being an integrated as
I wouldn't need a preamp, but notice that the MV55
also operates at 22W in triode mode. Is this important
to an Aerius i owner? Could the Aerius i run on this
22W triode mode?? Now a stupid question from a current
solid stater, what happens if I clip a tube amp? Would
I blow tubes, blow up the aerius, or cause my house to
explode?? Not that I'm worried, State Farm is pretty
good about paying its claims. :)

I also am researching a used VAC PA80/80 at 80Watts.

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I have not tried these amps on the ML's, but I do own a MV-55. The amp is not switchable between triode and ultra-linear operation, it must be hardwired one way or the other by the factory (or a c-j approved tech). c-j reports that a high number of buyers who opt for the half-power triode option are not happy with it in the long run and have their amps converted back to full-power ultralinear, but I have not personally heard the triode version. I can report that the regular version sounds exceptionally good as is, and I do not wonder about triode. I can also report that I have auditioned triode-switchable Air Tight tube monoblocks on SoundLab DynaStat hybrid-electrostats, and the regular-wired output switch position was clearly preferrable with this combo (the system's owner concurred). Knowing what I do about the MV-55 (and the CAV-50 being essentially the same amp), I would not doubt its ability to drive the small ML's adequately to moderate lisenting levels in a comensurately-sized room, and to sound very good doing so, but as always, do arrange an audition in your own room before you buy, if possible.
Forgot to answer the second part of your question. Clipping a tube amp will not damage anything (this is the normal operating mode of tube guitar amplifiers, known as "distortion" or "overdrive", the resulting sound being considered desirable), but you wouldn't want to listen to a stereo system running at the clipping point, just back it off some if it starts to distort (a small panel speaker like the Aerius might actually exhibit disortion of its own at higher levels before the amp itself begins to clip). It's worth noting that a solid-state amp is much more likely to generate high-order distortion waveforms at clipping that could easily blow a tweeter compared to the more benign tube example (not so much a concern with a 'stat, but too-high absolute levels with any amp could cause excessive excursion that can tear the membrane).
Either will drive them fine, in UL or Triode. I drive a set off a 2x25watt Gaincard. also from some CJ Prem. 5s in both UL and now in Triode mode. Plenty of power.
