Looking for a best TT without arm for under 10K.

Jumping back into analog and could use some advice. Tables in the running are Micro Seiki, Avid Acutus and ????? System is all tubes and I love to tinker. Cheers
One note though, rereading the original post - the DPS is not really for tinkering. Even the isolation platform and isolation mat are provided and already optimized.

If you enjoy tinkering, get a Verdier or Galibier, experiment with different arms, cartridges, drive belts, motors, supports and suspensions...
I don't know what the pricing is, but the Wave Kinetics table is a very serious attempt at the state of the art in direct-drive. It was designed by a group in the graduate Physics Department at Stanford - if I were in the market for a new table, I would make sure I heard it.
I want to thank all those who took the time to post suggestions. The DPS is intruiging but the one that caught my heart was the Avid Acutus Reference version and the Micro-Seiki RX-5000. Both are in the ball park but there is no where to preview either in Toronto. Mind you I have purchased all the other components without the benefit of a preview as well and so far I am delighted. I guess that is why your opinions are so important in my decision process. Thanks again.
I would also take a look ate Holborne turntables. They don't have great looks but sound good.