Music server for $160

I recently decided to build a music server. My criteria:
- Must NOT rely on my existing computer, which I use for computational work that does not mix well with streaming. Thus, a new "computer" is needed
- Use my existing DAC (MF VDAC or MHDT Havana)
- Must fit ~800GB lossless

My solution:
- Used 1st gen Apple TV - $50
- New 1TB USB hard drive - $80
- Sonicwave glass toslink - $30
- 5 hrs to figure out how to get the ATV's USB to read the 1TB drive. Result: 1TB ATV music server

My impressions:
(1) For $160, not a bad music server that can be mated to DAC of choice
(2) Playing music stored on the ATV sounds better (e.g., more detailed) than streaming to the ATV. Am I imagining this? Not sure of a technical explanation
(3) Prefer my CDP as
If you like the 1st gen ATV as a transport, then I suggest considering the following:
(1) Pick up a used iPod touch -- the free Apple Remote app is pretty nice and removes your monitor from the equation. Not at all necessary but I really like it. I think Apple sells them refurb
(2) Spent the time to get the USB on the ATV enabled. 160GB goes fast with lossless music. Once the USB is enabled, you can have an ATV with up to 2TB+ capacity
Is it possible to run your digital audio out via USB on the ATV? USB out tends to be the preferred digital out on Mac Minis.

Or grab a cheap old Mac Mini for $150-200. Craigslist is your friend.

The USB on the ATV cannot output digital music streams (to the best of my knowledge). There may be a hack to get that to work but that would also mean that I could not use the USB for storage (i.e., 1TB external drive).

I was trying to avoid the expense of a Mini. I have never seen a reasonable Mini at $150-200. At that price point, I think you are looking at the 1st Gen (Power-PC-based) Mini. But thanks for the suggestion -- it's worth some research.