The Mechanic

If anyone has seen this movie, you will notice gorgeous views of a Clearaudio turntable, with an SME V, and a ZYX cartridge. Unfortunately, the system is blown up at the end of the movie.....opps.....Forget that if you are going to see the flick.
There must be a pair of the big Meridian floorstanders in some studio's props department because they show up with some regularity in depictions of penthouses and other upscale flats.

And I too marveled that a $199 cartridge (Ortofon 2M Red) would provide the front end for that hodge-podge of nice gear. BTW, what were those speakers--KEFs?
The tonearm should have been a Mission Mechanic.
More than once when I've seen the thread title in the list, for a split second I've thought that the thread is about the Mission tonearm. Not seen one in the flesh but apparently a fairly serious attempt when it came out.
I always think of the 1972 Charles Bronson version of "The Mechanic."

Any similarity in plot or just two movies with a shared name?
Albert,the plot follows the Bronson movie loosely. But if you liked the original, this worth the time to watch.