What are your favorite phono cartridges?

Just curious, what are your favorite cartridges that you now use, or have used in the past? Do you prefer moving coil or moving magnet, or some other design? Here lately I have been collecting older moving coils and have been nicely surprised! My favorite right now is the GAS Sleeping Beauty and the Shelter 501 II.
The Clearaudio Insider Reference Wood.
In almost 50 years of analogue & the hundred or so cartridges I have owned - This is the very best cartridge I have ever heard.
The Lyra Kleos, I have about 80-100 hours on it and puts a wrinkle in my wranglers each time I listen.
Koetsu black in moving coils. Grado (any), Sonus (any), Grace F9E and F9R, Shure m97xe and V15 type V Mxr, most Sumiko moving coils and moving magnets. These are all my favorites over the years and I have owned many cartridges but I found out u dont have to spend a fortune to get a good cartridge and it still sounds better than digital for less money.
Nothing fancy here, but back in the day, before I gave all my vinyl away, I changed cartridges once a year, every year. My go to faves were Stanton 681EEE and Shure M91E and ED, all moving magnets. The best I used was a more pricey Ortofon OM-20E, which I fed new styli on the same schedule. They're all gone now except a Shure M91ED that I've fondly squirreled away due to its an organic and robust rightness.
using a Shelter Harmony right now. Love it. When I get a second arm, I'm trying a Koetsu "stone" body cart of some flavor.