Graham Phantom Supreme?

Has anyone done a comparison between the Supreme and the mkII? Is it worth changing and expending the extra outlay?

The main revisions appear to be the bearing housing and an improved magneglide stabiliser (I think the internal wiring was up to a good standard already on the mkII)

There is a company called AudioMax Ltd (approved contractor?) which can perform upgrades from both Phantom I and Phantom II to the Supreme build.
Any experience of this conversion out there ?
Many thanks... :)
It is quicker to buy a new one instead of sending in an old one to upgrade. I sold my old one and bought a new one a year ago.
Hi Andrew,

Yes, I received the upgraded Supreme and mounted it on my Brinkmann Oasis with a Benz Ebony L. I think it's clearly a step up from the Phantom II. Transients are cleaner, dynamics more explosive, and bass seems deeper and more coherent. In fact,the whole sonic fabric seems more coherent. So far, I hear no weaknesses in this arm. It's remarkably balanced and resolving with more organic wholeness than before.

Earlier Grahams (I've owned the 2.2 and Phantom II) could be criticized (justly or not) for an analytical tendency to "murder to dissect," especially in comparison to richer, more holistic arms like the Triplanar VII (which I also own and really like). Not the Supreme. I think this Graham combines musicality and highest-level resolution in exemplary fashion. Of course, this is just one man's opinion.


Thanks for your thorough feedback.! That basically sums up my experience. I'm still fiddling with VTA as I'm also observing what Egrady did with the headshesd section slightl tilted down and forward. This was validated by seeing the base if the cartridge having it's tail slightly up. In other words, previously the cart was parallel to record to achieve 91.5 degree SRA. So I have been lowering the bearing section and that is improving things. FYI, I didn't have that issue with my original 9inch wand but recently I had to get a 10inch version to be compatIble with table.

Thanks and enjoy.

Aoliviero and Egrady,
I noticed that my Koetsu carts are not clamping flat against the headshell. For proper overhang, these carts ride almost all the way back in the 10" armwand's headshell. That positions their mounting hole "wings" almost behind the blue damping dot, which causes a torquing force when you tighten the screws. Thus, the cartridge is slightly "tail up" even while the headshell is 100% level.

At first I thought removing the dot would fix it, but no -- that only exposed 2 low-relief "rails" in the headshell that cause the same issue. This is my only complaint about the arm -- the headshell should be freaking flat!! No bumps, dots or other crap.

Headshell issues aside, the Phantom Supreme is a fabulously built, fabulous sounding arm that is a cinch to setup in all other paramaters!