What defines a good tonearm

I'm in the market for a very good tonearm as an upgrade from an SME 345 (309). Most of the tonearms I have used in the past are fixed bearing except for my Grace 704 unipivot. I dont have a problem with the "wobble" of a unipivot, and they seem the simplest to build, so if they are generally at least as good as a fixed pivot, why wouldnt everyone use a unipivot and put their efforts into developing easier vta, azimuth and vtf adjustments, and better arm materials. Or is there some inherent benefit to fixed pivot that makes them worth the extra effort to design and manufacture
Dear Mike, Did you actually hear a difference between a Reed 2A and a Reed 2P? I thought the only difference between those two was the fine-ness of the VTA adjustment up and down.

Lew, my first Reed was not designated 'A' and in fact was somewhat 'prior' model to official North American import, then my next Reed was an 'A' but without the azimuth adjustment. then i got 2 of the '2P's.

the sound of the first one was not quite as good as the others, not as precise and refined; i think it's bearing was not quite as good. then my 'A' was short the azimuth adjustment.

i felt that the 2P's sounded a small bit better than the 'A', but likely that is the azimuth adjustment, which can be acquired with the 'A'. also, with the VTA lever of the 2P's, it was easier to dial in VTA.

so good catch, it was probably wrong to assign a ranking of Reed's without considering the azimuth adjustment for both....as they ought to sound the same assuming maybe more time for dial in with the 'A'.
Dan_ed and Mike, are you attaching meaning where none existed? I really did assume that you and Mike did have such an LP, as I know others in this community for which that is true. I just wanted to get a copy.

As for the Talea, I refer you to my previous comments about the arm- it seems to me more was read into them as well.
Well that's it. I'm going to round up Mike and Dan so we can make a record.

Then we can add our names to the long long list of Audiogon vinylphiles who have actually released a record. Can't speak for Mike and Dan but it's humbling to be part and parcel to such a large group.

Since this is a 3 man tonearm based power band, I will call us Tri-Plunders.
Dear Syntax: I, for one, agree with you. In many ways I posted the same with different words on other threads. Although I think something has to be added and that " something " is our self.

IMHO it is not enough that the audio system has the resolution need it it is a must that we already be trained first to be aware ( example ) of distortions , different ones, and to discern it as distoritons and not part of the music. This needs that we been trained about.

It helps that we use a R2R as reference/comparison?, certainly yes if we are trained too to discern on the own R2R distortions: like odd generated R2R odd harmonics.

It is not an easy overall task to be " there " where you I assume are and I assume because this is the third time that I read from you posts on this specific critical and don't understood yet subject.

Maybe my system is not the penultimate in resolution against a lot of other systems out there altrhough I have a specific training on that subject that help me on my opinions. I let you know an example of what you posted that's happening in the " last times " in that MM long thread:

++++ four-five ( maybe more ) persons that posted there have a " die for " attitude with two-three MM cartridge models from the same manufacturer. These guys own very different audio systems ( and I mean : Different. ) and all of them are in agree of the " great cartridges " performance characteristics. Those cartridges are at five, six and seven steps down the same line top of the line cartridge that some of them does not like.
Due to their posts they " force " me to buy/borrowed and test all those cartridges ( I own the top of the line too. ) and after that I give my opinion about that was way different an almost contrary of what those guys found out.
I stated and telling why those cartridges performance were full of distortions against the top of the line one and other top of the " family " cartridge.

Far from try to understand why I posted what I posted they " hide " under their " shared findings " ( thinking this supported each to the other opinion. ) thinking that the one wrong in this " stage " was me because no one of them be allowed to identify the distortions I posted and obviously can't discern about. This cartridge episode put some of them " angry " with me.

What happen there?, exactly what you said: no system resolution ( at least not the one need it for. ) and no training to be aware of some kind of distortions. +++++

This happen every single day and happen coming even from persons with KKKKK$$$$ systems where exist almost non specific training about.
A KKKK$$$$ system is IMHO warranty of nothing other than KKK$$$$$. What IMHO is almost a warranty even with modest audio systems is each one knowledge/skills level: this extremely PERSONAL characteristic/training is what makes differences and it is what gives " weight " to each one of us opinions: not the audio system it self.

Try and want to follow supporting any audio subject on 100%/full subjective point of view goes IMHO aginst our hobby.
Subjectivity IMHO is only the " mediocrity's mother " ( no I'm not saying any one of us are mediocre people but thinking in that way create: mediocrity. ) where the AHEE belongs and that's why the AHEE never never promote a touch of " objectivity ".
A " touch of objectivity " even a tiny one put " on light/shine " all the audio mediocrity out there where ( that 95% of the people are unaware of it. To convenient to the AHEE. ) if the AHEE could ( only on my dreams unfortunatelly. ) promote " objectivity " I can asure you that the 95% of the audio manufacturers must disappear in its today level.

Don't you think that that should be great in favor of MUSIC and in favor of each one of us audio system enjoyment and where we can understand for sure what each one is talking about?

Anyway, this thread left at least something to think about unipivot tonearms characteristics that maybe some of us never thinked in the past. Thank's Manitunc.

regards and enjoy the music,