What is Warmth?

Would someone kindly explain the audiophile term "warmth?" Most appreciated.
Dear Cinellipro: IMHO is only a distortion that apeal to some people but been a distortion it is a coloration that was not when the recording microphones pick-up at the very begin of the recording.

It is a false colorations that IMHO has no sense that so many people " die for it ".

When was the last time that any one of us heard a violin concert ( live or other instruments. ) seated at 2-3 meters from the player and heard it that warmth?, because I attend to not less than 60 times a year to listen live music and till today ( in the last 25 years. ) I never heard that warmth.

IMHO music is everything but warmth, at least in the audiophile warmth meaning.

Warmth IMHO is only a synonimous of a distorted audio system.

Maybe I'm wrong but this is my take about.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Agree with Raul and add that warmth in a positive sense is communicated as musical flow, a phenomenon of dynamics and timing more than frequency response.
Musical instruments themselves can have a have warmth characteristic also. Different woods used in a violin for example. It's not only tied to sound of an audio system.