$2500 Phono Stage Suggestions

My current phono is a Whest Two, VPI Classic with a Ortofon 2M Black MM cart. No plans to change the cart. anytime soon. The Fosgate, Parasound JC3 all seem to get good reviews along with the Sutherland 20/20. If I purchase thru Audio Advisor they have the Fosgate and PP3 with a 30 day return but I wont be able to compare only return one for the other. I will be calling a local dealer to see if can get a Fosgate demo. No complaints with the Whest just looking for a clear step up. Rest of my setup is Cary SLP03 tube pre, Spectron amp and B&W 802D speakers. Any others I should consider?
more $$$? ... not necessarily. I owned an Aesthetic Rhea which I thought was very impressive ... until I heard the K&K Maxxed Out model. Sold my Aesthetic Rhea and now own the K&K Maxxed out model with all the current upgrades(I think!).
In my opinion, switching gears around the same price range will change the sound, not necessarily improve the sound. You may need to spend twice the money you spent on what you already have to yield a meaningful upgrade.

I hardly find any bad reviews on audio components in any of the audio magazines out there (including online). The best way to do is, again, borrow them to compare in your own system and room.

I used to own a Whest Two which was a good phono stage. I ended up spending more than twice its price on one to provide me a meaningful improvement.
Why is it so important to you to keep the cartridge you have no matter what? And the turntable.
I generally agree with the thought that you have to spend at least the double to have a big improvement. That's the reason why I don't upgrade often, but when I do it is at least twice as expensive and more for table/arm.
The turntable and cartridge are less than a year old and I think the combo does what I want. Of course I want to try a MC down the road but not just yet.
If you went with the K&K you could forgo the MC input transformers for now and save about $400 for the LL1931s. They could be added later if you decide to go with a MC.