Jelco tonearm for Colibri Gold LW cartridge

I am considering the Jelco SA-750D ARM

for Colibri Gold LW cartridge. The effective mass of this tonearm is 20 grams. Do you think this tonearm would work well considering the fact the cartridge is only 5 grams?

Thank you

I just spoke yesterday with the importer in France and he said me that the collibri love light arm, generally 8/12 grammes. But if you bought it new Van Den Hull can adapt the cartridge specially for your arm (see the US importerĀ° as it's impossible to contact him directly.
Audiofeil, makes a valid point, you can always move towards another cartridge. The Colibri's can be rather challenging with arm/setup parameters and with so many other viable cartridge options available you need not limit yourself to this one model.
Yes, I am going to try other ones.
I had Grado Reference (old stock), purchased it in April, presumably not used. Installed on Oracle Audio TT with Rega 300 that came with it.

Then I thought - rather then trying all sorts of things with Grado I will get my hands on a couple of other ones.
So - I bought Acutex M 320, this is the MM type, just got it a few days ago, have not tried it yet. I also bought Ortofon Windfeld and Colibri LW - didn't receive them yet. So as you guys can imagine, given my very limited knowledge in audio hardware, I have some fun I have to go through. The good thing - I like to listen to music (no wonder!).
But anyway - I guess I will have to get one arm for Colibri and probably another one that will go well with Windfeld. I was thinking about some arm from Ortofon if I can find good condition used one may be RS-212D?
The goal being - make up my mind in terms what I want to keep. I may keep a couple, hard to say right now. So this is where I am.
Thank you for the ideas you through out there.
I use a Colibri XGP with a Clearaudio Universal tonearm.
The Colibri was set up by vdH for the Universal tonearm
The eff. mass of the Universal tone arm is above 20 g.
To my ears the combination sounds very nice.
If one likes the Colibri another cartridge isnĀ“t an option


Just came across Sumiko MDC 800 for $1000, made in 1987 in the US.
Comes with H counterweight.
Can not find this information so far - what difference L and H weights make for the effective mass of the arm?
As I mentioned I need the arm for Colibri LW and from what I found so far on audiogon some people say it should match nicely, leave along the fact that it is a nice arm
If somebody would care to extend there opinion would be very greatful. Another option I am copnsidering at the moment is the Oracle SME 345 (I have Oracle Paris old one TT)
Thank you