Best Vibraplane Compressor Substitute?

Just bought a 20 x 24" Vibraplane to use under my TT, and am very excited.

It comes without a compressor and I wonder if there's any reason to spend a lot of money, just for 'hot air'? (couldn't resist)

Really, is there any justificaton for an expensive compressor? The bladders on the item are purported to be sound, and if they're not I will replace them myself. The compressor will only come on as needed: I can 'top off' the machine before listening and disconnect it. The VP is not going to need air during a two or three hour session, certainly.

My thought is to buy a relatively inexpensive unit, and proceed as above.

I would appreciate your suggestions, and thank you in advance for sharing your experience.


So you have the active version? I thought the active version always kept the vipraplane perfectly tuned and level and the compressor turned on and off as needed? If you have the version that you manually adjust the height on then you can just use a hand pump. I use a bicycle pump on mine. It gets slightly out of adjustment within a week or so and takes about a minute to pump back up and adjust.

What model is the Vibraplane? Some are passive and some active. If you have active model I have the perfect compressor suggestion for about $600.00. (No I don't sell them, it's an Ebay thing).

If you want to spend "no" money, any compressor will work but some of the very cheap ones from Home Depot run 24/7 and have to be cycled on and off.
It's really about the noise generated. The supplied Jun-Air compressor makes a 'click' when it kicks on, but when running you can barely hear it; there's a reason it's used in dental offices. But you are correct - air is air, and if you can live with the noise, any compressor will do the trick.

Be certain to add additional mass to the Vibraplane - getting it in the range of its upper support limit (275 lbs) reaps vast rewards.
RE: $600 compressor


Can you please reveal the source of your $600 compressor (either privately or publicly)? I am interested in finding out....

SYMPOSIUM ULTA STEALTH TOP.Does not need air sounds more natural,more musical,better bass etc.