Sophia Electric tube quality

I wonder if others have experienced poor quality with the Royal Princess 300b tubes. Purchased a new pair and one shorted out in a couple of months in their amp. Sophia replaced it and the new pair were extremely microphonic -- rang like bells when tapped with just my thumbnail. Sophia's response to my complaint was, "Stop tapping the tubes.

I should just add that as good as their tubes are their amplifiers are as good or better...They make a sweet little pair of 300B mono blocks that I used to drive a pair of Tannoy Kensington SE's to rock and roll volume in a large room with 10 foot ceilings. Not shy little flee powered.
Tapping your thumbnail? Why don't you tap your cartridge or lick a hot tube?
Play the amp normally and see if it echoes or picks up too much noise.
I had no problems with my pair. And I found Richard et al to be very helpful and accommodating.
I had a faulty Royal Princess 300b tube and they replaced it promptly and were very polite, I was impressed. That tube had wonderful sound in my SET amplifier.
Elvick's suggested hot lick test would have no relevance as to a tubes performance, though could prove very useful in human IQ testing.