Clearaudio Master Innovation Assembly pics

The Master is in the house. The sound is glorious. Saving you all the short the table is very dynamic, noticeable at lower playing volumes especially when compared to my innovation compact. Bass is tight, extended and articulate. It really seems like a well balanced table throughout the frequency range. Huge sound stage depth and precise imaging with lots of air around the instruments, vocals. The drive...aka PRAT is there. I think I should be satisfied for a long time to come. I'm using a Graham Phantom Supreme 10" (Mint LP setup), A90 and XP-25 phono stage.

Here is a link to my photo's of the assembly process.
Was the price for the master innovation $24,000 net or list?
Is the sound big different as compare to master ref. Amg wood?
Thanks, There is one master ref. for sale is 5 years old. Still a lot of money for TT without arms.
I have heard master ref. acrylic in one dealer place, is very nice. With TT-1.
Sorry which tone arm and cart you using?
I am waiting for my dyna xv-1s , should be here within 2 weeks.
Hi Chris,

I am using a graham phantom supreme with a Koetsu Coralstone primarily. I also have a second arm wand with an Ortofon A90 ready to go when desired.
I would not be surprised if a new Innovation sounds better than the older acrylic master reference and for less money too.