Shun Mook Record Weight

Is Shun Mook still around? Where can i find one of these weights??
FrankC. I m from Malaysia & have various type of clamp including Kuzma clamp. Do u have any link to the Malaysia ebony wood clamp ? Never heard of it & would like to try it if possible
Agree with Sksos1 on the TTWeights.

Too expensive, poor build quality, and lousy performance.
Audiofeil, I never said the TTWeights has poor build quality, just lousy sound! (and yes too expensive IMHO)
Skos1 wrote:

"I never said the TTWeights has poor build quality, just lousy sound! (and yes too expensive IMHO)"

But $1350 for the Harmonic TU-812 Mk II is reasonably priced?
I have the Harmonix TU-812 as well. On some music, it sounded pretty good, much more airy and clean on high frequencies. But on others, it seems to be taking away some of the lower frequencies. It had similar effect as the DIY African Ebony, but just not as much on the bottom end.

The name of the eBay seller is hk-gadgets. He only lists in the UK eBay site. He also sells ebony feet, other audio stuff, and Chinese tea. I didn't see any record weight listed at the moment. You can e-mail him for more info. I have a suspension table, so I bought the smaller one. My friend bought the heavier one and says that the effect is better on his table with the heavier one.
