Need Help with Vintage console player - New to LPs

Hey guys,

I've started into vinyl in a rather unusual way. I just bought a Fisher Royal Electra console stereo for $60 from an elderly couple down the street. It is in working condition and I love it! I'm currently working to restore the finish and replace aging cabinet hardware.

I've never owned a record player (I'm a younger audiophile) and don't have the slightest idea how to verify that it's working correctly. It plays my records, and sounds decent, but I'm worried the counterweight, cartridge, anti-skate mechanism, and other parts might not be properly set up. This is a Royal Electra by BSR table that is integrated into the console. It is a multi-disc player and have an auto-something or other mechanism to change records. I don't really like this as it places the LPs on top of each other and that scares me (scratches and all).

The unit has a bunch of nobs, dials, and adjustment screws surrounded by numbers. I'm just at a loss when it comes to this sort of thing.

Any advice you all could give as to how to check my cartridge or verify the other settings would be great. As I said: it SOUNDS like it's OK, but I don't want to risk damaging some of my new LPs by using it improperly.

Thank you
You may not have too much to worry about with your Fisher/ BSR console.

In looking at photos of the BSR turntable , it most likely has a ceramic cartridge, as opposed to a magnetic cartridge. This was not unusual for console turntables. BSR, Garrard, and Voice of Music were some of the popular manufacturers that supplied turntables for consoles.

So, if my hunch is correct, things like counterweights and anti-skate will not be of concern as they can not be set.

The difficult thing will be finding what ceramic cartridge fits your turntable. I would try reaching out to the Needle Doctor or Audio Asylum Vintage Forum or some of the Fisher or BSR forums.

Personally, I wouldn't put any decent records on that but, hey, that's just me.
I would contact Paul Grzybek of Tube Audio Design. He's stopped making new products under the TAD brand but still repairs/restores vintage Fisher gear. I think he mostly works mostly with tuners, pre's, amps, and receivers, but if anyone would know about your unit, he would. Here's his website: