Tonearm: Phantom vs. 4 Point vs. 10.5


I'm planning on upgrading my tonearm. My analoge setup is:
TW-Acoustic Raven One with Kuzma Stogi arm and Lyra Delos.

I'm interested in theese 3 arms:

Graham Phantom III: It gets good recomendations, also on the Raven One.

TW-Acoustic Raven 10.5: It is from the same manufactor as my turntable, so they should match.

Kuzma 4 Point: Because i have Kuzma and like the quality of it and because Michael Fremer said: I'm in love.

What can you say about these arms (sound) and witch will you recomend for my turntable.

Wow - great problem to be faced with. Just out of interest have you also considered the likes of a Shroeder, the Basis Vector, Brinkmann 10.5. not only this, but the Kuzma Airline is supposed to be rather special as well.
I had the Vector 4 on a Basis table and that was a match made in heaven. AJ Conti rocks it -- I'd like to have a 2800 with a Vector 4 at some point.
I use a Helius Omega on my Sota Cosmos and an Auroura on my custom Lenco. Very nice arms with ballsy sound.
At around the price of these arms, I'd also suggest looking into a Moerch DP-8. Fabulous bass, and a great arm altogether. I really like the outrigger design, and the swappable armwands that are available in different effective masses are incredibly useful for quickly and easily changing carts and for guaranteeing the best possible effective mass to cart matching.