VPI Customer Service

Recently ruined one of my self adhesive strips in my VPI stainless steel clamp. Called VPI on a tuesday and on friday received 5 strips in the mail. Its very refreshing to see a company still producing excellent customer service and the service was without charge. Want to extend my best to the crew at VPI for their excellent and expeditious work.
Actusreus I am talking about the ring clamp not the record clamp. I bought mine about a year ago although I don't know how long they have been making it. Maybe someone will chime in and let us know how long. You can go to elusive disc they have a VPI store and see the product.
I see. So you're talking about the periphery ring, correct? I guess I didn't realize it was a "clamp." I've always thought of it as simply periphery ring. That aside, yes, VPI customer service is outstanding.
I'm in the process of upgrading my VPI JMW-9 Signature tonearm to a VPI Classic 3 tonearm and it's been a little over 2 months that I'm waiting for the Classic 3 tonearm to arrive from VPI???
Agiaccio....I would be surprised if you hear a difference. kindly post the results.
I have had great experience with VPI customer service. The only thing I do not like is that they only take calls on certain days and certain time on those days. But I waited in line and they were great. I spoke to Mike several times and he is very helpful. I had problens with noise coming from the Classic turntable arm, they sent me a shielded TT cable at a reduced cost, that did not solve the issue, they Mike said send in the TT arm. I did, it came back a few weeks later, and no more noise and no other issues.
VPI customer service alone is worth the price of their products.