Digital microscope recommendations

I'm at a point where I am concerned about the wear and tear on my Lyra Delos, and would like to check its condition through a microscope. Does anyone have a brand/model they can recommend at a reasonable price? Also, what am I looking for? Is any possible damage so obvious it doesn't need an explanation?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
On recommendation from MF I got the Dinolite 320 which includes measuring software so one can accurately set RTA - could not be happier, got the matching stand too - a MUST - also to get close enough one needs to remove the clear plastic shell on the front of the microscope - VERY VERY carefully - after that it works great.

I bought mine on Amazon about $300 with everything - well worth it - considering the price of the gear it's used upon.


Pbnaudio...what is RTA? I've never heard of that. There is VTA and SRA. Fremer is a big fan of SRA (Stylus Rake Angle).
I was hoping for something much cheaper than $300, but it's good to know this particular model has proven reliable.

Also, what is it that I'm supposed to be looking for? Is wear and tear obvious when examining a stylus up-close?