Digital microscope recommendations

I'm at a point where I am concerned about the wear and tear on my Lyra Delos, and would like to check its condition through a microscope. Does anyone have a brand/model they can recommend at a reasonable price? Also, what am I looking for? Is any possible damage so obvious it doesn't need an explanation?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Fleib, Thank you very much for your informative review. I also found that 2MP USB scopes really can´t see micrometers, and it´s even almost impossible to see a sharp pic of a stylus at 200X because the pixels themselves become visible. Depth of field is problematic with high magnification anyway.
So a real stereo microscope, e.g. an Atala BYO-500T with 400X and 1000X is the solution for me to study Micro-Ridge´s and Shibata´s wear.
Sbrownnw, I just purchased one of those. Depending on the advertisement they claim up to 800x magnification. Full magnification requires pulling the clear plastic barrel off to get close enough to focus. It provides a good overall image of the stylus, but is insufficient to detect subtle degrees of stylus wear. The view might be improved with an external LED backlight. I am tempted to work on lighting before upgrading to a better microscope.
Two things seem to be discussed here: checking for stylus wear and checking for SRA angle. These are very distinct applications and may need different instruments. I think an inexpensive USB microscrope can be used for SRA but not really for stylus wear. At least that is my experience.
I don't think you need a stationary microscope to check for stylus wear. I certainly don't want to dismount my cartridge to check for wear. Many of the Dino-Lite microscopes will serve both purposed just fine.