Bergmann Magne

Hi All
I am looking at getting a new TT and was wondering if anyone has any experience / comments on the Bergmann Magne
I am also looking at the Clearaudio Innovation Wood (Compact). I read that the Bergmanns has a linear tracking arm and am not sure if this is a concern in terms of maintenance. I am trying to set up an audition on the Bergmann this week.
thanks in advance.
I wouldn't get the Bergman, even if it sounded the best. You may very well have a paper weight in a year.
David...who knows? But with great turntable companies like VPI and Clearaudio who deliver great support, why would you want to take such a gamble?
Point taken. The VPI HRX sounds absolutely incredible but I haven't heard the Aries line. Will add that to the list
If you want customer service and a north american product, I would recommend Sota, VPI, Basis or Oracle. Between those 3 you can pay as much as you want for the quality you are looking for, and probably much less than you would pay for some exotic table