The Best Way to Clean Records

Your search is over - here's a guy who knows about vinyl cleaning. After all, he owns a record store, so he must know. Check it out.

How can you be sure you get all that glue residue out of the microstucture of the grooves? That is what bothers me about it. You are relying on the glue being a continuous structure that does not break apart when being pulled off the record.
Once completely dry the wood glue pulls off easily. It will leave no residue. If bits do break off and stick you just ball up some of the glue you have in your hand and dab it on top of any remaining bits. They will attract to each other. If you wish to be doubly sure you can always do a distilled water rinse and dry with a clean micro fibre cloth but in reality the glue will not have much adhesion to the base vinyl of the LP anyways.

I've done this a few times and have had good results, but it's too slow (drying) for me and as such not efficient enough. Today I use a Spin Clean cleaning setup that costs less that $80.00 typically and works well too.
"If window cleaner works why not put some armorall on after that ;). That should make your records shine real good."

It's what I use. The music emerges from a blacker background.
Onemug,I'm sure your not serious but if you are how often do you clean your stylus? Once every track? I imagine the silicone in armorall would gunk up the stylus real fast.