The Best Way to Clean Records

Your search is over - here's a guy who knows about vinyl cleaning. After all, he owns a record store, so he must know. Check it out.
"If window cleaner works why not put some armorall on after that ;). That should make your records shine real good."

It's what I use. The music emerges from a blacker background.

A good comment and a great answer :-)
Yeah, that is High End. You will find everything. Some years ago I've been in 2 shops from professional record dealers, serious ones. Both used professional Cleaning Machines (VPI 17F, Keith Monks). I was amazed when I saw that but both told me, there is no way out. They want serious money from their customers - for rare records - and of course they try their best to give them a good-as-possible-product.
There are differences :-)
Actually, Axxis Audio is selling ROR (residual oil remover) as a record cleaner. ROR is used to clean camera lenses and works great on glass. It's basically glass cleaner and even contains a tiny bit of ammonia. You can buy a small bottle of it for a few bucks if you want to give it a try. It does work very well on fingerprints.
They were at THE Show at Newport Beach last weekend. I am glad I didn't pick up anything from his stash.

I voted "thumbs down" on that youscrewed video, Lol

If he's not the owner of that record shop he should be fired for that record cleaning "advice."

This "Teacher Of The Year" also talks about How to Fix Scratched LP Records. My favorite line in the video is:
" with the scratch, if it pops a little bit, it kinda adds some warmth to it."