Turntables with warm/smooth mids and highs

Looking for suggestions for turntables that lean towards the smooth and warm side of the music spectrum , but with good bass control.
I am someone who really enjoys smooth mids and highs and I do not want to go any where near anything bright or forward sounding.
Price range up to $1500.00 Thanks, Tim
Timo, If you look at Nottingham, Wilson Full Circle or Michell turntables and purchase one of them you will have the best analogue investment coz they sound natural even with budget cartridges. I kept Rega P3 for only 3mo-s and than traded in for Michell Gyro SE that went up the price since 2001. Don't plan to sell it and never did so and probably never will.
Used VPI TNT1 or HW-19 IV. Both should be generally around your budget though you might be able to find a -19 IV a little cheaper.
Get a Linn - IF you have someone to set it up for you. They are very good bargains on the used market. Smooth, euphonic, musical. They sound nice.