EMT TSD15 tonality..colouration ?

I am looking for a cartridge upgrade. I started with a Denon 103pro and now use a ZYX RS30. I listen to a good mix of old (pre 70s) and new records.
I am considering the EMT TSD15 cartridge because of its reputation of being musical and dynamic at the same time.

I have heard the TSD15 SFL in the past on a Scheu TT and I could notice some lower mids boost which alters the timbre of the instruments and voices a bit. That worries me. The DL103 is spot on in its tone and timbre reproduction, its my reference but it doesnt have the dynamics I look for. The other day I also heard a JSD5 and somehow I did not notice the lower mid colouration that I first heard with a TSD15 SFL. But the JSD is outside by budget.

Has anyone else found this character with TSD15 ? Is it a colouration with the SFL version or is it also there in the SPH (spherical) tip also ?
In my limited experience SPH also does have this "fatness" at the bottom. I'm also looking for a fast, dynamical cart without that coloration.

I'm wondering since EMT derives from SPU family, how different/similar would e.g. Royal N (nude to avoid the resonating enclosure) be? Any experiences?
don't buy used EMT carts which had a 'professional career' being played 3 months non stop. Most people only know about these used carts, they never listened to new TSDs or to even newer developments. If you especially go for a TSD15 Lzi you will go for one of the great carts in this audio world - the Japanese know, most European and American not.
Don't believe The old stories being told about TSDs. Real Bullshit or let it put in a more diplomatic way - a kind of ignorance

all the best
I have a Tsd-15 w/ Spherical tip. I do think in my system, it tends toward a warmer tonal balance. I would also say it has a bold/dynamic sound, as you described. Based on my time with the EMT, I don't hear the lower mid-range boost that you mention. I have had it for a few years, and have gone through at least one speaker change. The TSD-15 appeals to me both as an audiophile and a music lover. Has the audiophile side of me wanted to try another cartridge ? By all means, Yes!. Would I be without the Tsd-15 ? By all means, No!
Of course we need to agree that the cart is one thing, the chain after is another.
Put an M5 BMW motor in a peugeot and?
Oh yes the road? The M5 needs good tarmac.,,no? Well a cart and TT etc....need good recordings...same thing "black surface".
Another suggestion is a TSD15 Anniversary Gold, okay for the budget and you will love it - I am pretty sure

all the best
So in general would we say that the SFL TDS15 is more analytical than the SPH version?