Turntable recommendation

I am getting back t analog after being out of it for 20 years. What would be a good turntable recommendation if I want to buy used and spend $1800 to $2500? The default choice seems like the VPI Classic but reviews of that table indicate its midrange may be "dry" compared to other units. My system right now with Magico V3s is nicely balanced but leans toward the transparent side, and I would not want to exacerbate that--but neither do I want overly warm. Would like to spend $1000 or less on a cartridge, and thinking initially a Denon DLS1 if it mates well with the table. Phono preamp will be Sim LP5.3. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Keep I'm mind I am trying to figure out what to audition besides the classic. At least two reviews I read we're very favorable but noted that the midrange was not as rich as other more expensive tables
I am trying to figure out what to audition besides the classic
Well, try a Clearaudio package instead. It's more of the fast, nimble, & detailed school of sound.

Or, best of all, just purchase a top-level used TT as Elizabeth suggests... it's less fashionable but you'll most probably get better sound:)!
There are so many good tables available in that price range. And just as many opinions on what to get. My preference is for an original Aries (1). Its a beautiful table in both appearance and performance. An extended version of the Aries with a JMW-12 is a great performer. IMO, the later Aries don't measure up.

So may really good carts in that price range. My preference is the OC9ml but that might come off a bit thread-bare for you. I haven't heard it but the SoundSmith VPI Zephyr has a strong following and good reviews.
Used tables in that range include
Oracle Delphi V
Townshend Rock 3
VPI Scout and Classic
Basis 2001
Sota Star Vacuum
Kuama Stabi
Any of those will provide you with superior sound. You could also get on the idler drive bandwagon and pick up an Garrard 301 or 401, Lenco L75 or 78, thorens 124. Lots of people like those and they are not your usual fare.
I like the recommendation of the Basis 2100. I will check it out along with the Classic. Has anyone here had experience with the Pro-ject RM10.1? A dealer in my area has one...