Nottingham Space Deck Owners....Again Please


Still trying to set this Space Deck with Space Arm table up as well as possible and thanks to many of you, making progress. The question today is, when viewing the headshell from the front, it seems to be tilted ever so slightly to the right, or outside. Is this characteristic of the Space Arm? Is it an optical illusion? I seem to see the sylus come down on the record and in the process, slant just ever so slightly to one side (outside, again) as it lands in the groove. I do not see any adjustment for the tonearm that would correct for this as the pivot seems constant and set at the factory. One wants to just grab the tonearm and twist slight to the left, counterclokwise, but haven't done that as I'm guessing it would NOT be a good idea and wouldn't move anyhow. Any feedback/observations appreciated.


On all of the Nott tonearms that I have ever used, the headshell is simply press fitted into the carbon fiber armtube and will rotate. It is not easy to get it right, and it's hard to avoid using too much leverage and substantially twisting the damned headshell to a severe angle, but it can be done. Just make sure that you don't pull the headshell out of the armtube (unless you really mean to do so) or you will risk ruining your day and breaking one of the hair-fine tonearm wires.

Have fun.
Nottingham now has manuals for all of their turntables on line now with pictures. Plus this is a good website for a lot of turntables.

I hope it's not to late. This is a great Nottingham site. Hope it helps.
