Tonearms for Clearaudio Master Solution type TNTs

Would it be good idea to use VPI JMW - 10.5i or the JMW-Classic 1-3 Arm for Clearaudio Master Solutions (or Innovation) series turntables?
I would appreciate for any other option recommendations.
I use a Universal and a Graham Supreme on my Master Innovation. I like the Graham better.
Thanks for your advices and comments, I will go with Graham. I thought Clearaudio's light fiber glass based tonearms are not best fit for reliatively light weight ZYX cartridge I will be using.
I have a Master Solution with a Graham Phantom Supreme, perfect match as far as I concerned.
Redsectora, thanks for your feedback.
I am still deciding, either Tri-Planar or Graham.
Rokokono, just saw this thread, good to see another master solution owner. I am currently using Kuzma 4 point, was easy to mount, just had to get the standard unify arm board hole machined from 30mm to 40mm, and mount it flush with the "locking ring" removed. It works exceptionally, a really nice tone arm, although aesthetically, to me, not as nice as a delicate thin arm!! I tried the triplanar, and the thing that really bugged me was the cueing device that had to be released to store the arm in its rest. I kept worrying that if the arm was knocked off the rest, the stylus would crash into the platter. Liked the triplanar, apart from this little quirk. Have no experience with the Grahams though.