Okki Nokki RCM-5 vs VPI 16.5

What record cleaning machine is the most effective and most reliable?
As I've stated this before on here, I have probably the oldest VPI HW-16.5 serial number 15.

It started as a HW-16, then when VPI offered the .5 upgrade kit, I installed it. My unit is well over 30 years old and has cleaned tens of thousands of records.

I have NEVER had any problems with it. It's never leaked or had a burned out motor or had a broken tube.

The way I understand the broken or cracked tube problem is that owners are leaving the arm tube over the platter when they are done and the weight of the lid is causing the issue. All you have to do is swing the arm tube out of the way and bingo problem solved. I always swing the tube over and leave it facing the back of the unit. My lid still hits it, but all it does is push down on the spring a little bit. Since there is open space below the tube, it doesn't cause any problem. Not sure why anyone would leave the tube out over the platter when not is use?

I was also a VPI dealer for many, many years and sold hundreds of these units and never had any complaints. Pretty good recommendation if you ask me...
Hardly ever clean my records with my machine.....a brush before playing and I'm off.
Then you have no idea how much better your lps will sound when cleaned with a vacuum machine, not to mention the fact that your cart will last much longer!
"Hardly ever clean my records with my machine.....a
brush before playing and I'm off."

Stringreen has done an ad for this. It's on page 29 of the
new Audio Advisor catalog.

Page 29[/url]

(Stan...I'm just poking fun at you dude...sorry!) ;-)
I vote for the VPI using my methods:
