VPI SSM Ref setup variations

What configuration of VPI SSM Ref are people running right now - and why ?

I’d like to understand how the different set ups for this deck have evolved and improved things for those who are Happy Chappies – so that I can try things myself and decide which works best for my ears and environment, since opinions and solutions seem to vary somewhat.

I’ve read threads about Rim Drive vs Belt Drive, Bearpaws, Symposium Acoustic Point Padz and Precision Couplers under the motor assembly, supports under the SDS, etc etc Various people report arm wobbles – others haven’t had it - including me.

Two examples:
Stringreen seems to be content after much frustration and many conversations with Harry. Bearpaws solved his arm wobble but he didn’t have the other problems people reported (I think..) What is now his config and what were the problems solved ?

Hiendmuse is also content it seems – but I’m a bit puzzled by those two Precision Couplers under the motor. Did he try three and reject it ? (two sounds a bit strange – especially when both are positioned perpendicular to the Rim contact point (as I read it).

As background – I’ve struggled with Rim Drive to such an extent I’ve gone back to belts. THREE of them… But I’m still very interested in trying out the various supports and footers that are mentioned in the threads – as ever on our Never Ending Journey.

My deck is on a Symposium Acoustics Ultra platform, itself on an Audiophile Base rack and carpeted concrete floor. I’ve just bought Eden Sounds VPI-TerraCones and have various footers available for motor and SDS, including Precision Couplers. I can’t play around at the moment as my Hovland HP100 pre-amp is in hospital awaiting replacement parts. But I can be prepared.
I have the Eden Sound terra cones/brass that are height adjustable and they made a big improvement.Just wondering, how do you like the ultra under the ssc.

I have a gingko platform now, but am thinking about an ultra.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by using 3 Symposium Acoustics Precision Round Couplers under the SSM motor assembly. I use one round coupler between the 2 rubber feet in the front of the motor (the narrow side facing you) and one in the rear between the 2 rubber feet. This raises the SSM assembly slightly higher lifting the rubber feet off of the Symposium Acoustics Ultra shelf surface. I also use the Edensound Bear Paws. The round Precision Couplers are about $20 each. Well worth it with the rimdrive.
One additional thing I didn't mention. I use smaller black round Symposium Acoustics precision couplers with center dimple under each of the Edensound Bear Paws supporting the turntable.