French Astree label

I just came by chance across Astree LP label, unknown to me before. I bought their Marin Marais music (AS 13 from 1977).
I must say it's nothing short of spectacular when it comes to the sound quality (at least to my half-deaf ears ;). Very balanced sound, fantastic background and dynamics, very good vinyl surface.
I'm wondering, is it only this pressing or the label is known for a top notch quality?

I haven't heard any Astree vinyl, which I bet sounds fantastic, but don't overlook their titles in CD when vinyl is not available. I've collected a number of their CD's over the years. Musically and sonically they are amongst the best in my music collection.

Many of Jordi Savall's recordings were originally issued on Astree and now can be found on his own label, Alia Vox, that he started in 1998. Alia Vox recordings are available in CD and SACD formats, but not LP. Everything I have heard from Alia Vox is musically superb with excellent recording quality.
I also have several, both LP and Vinyl,and have been happy with all. Berkshire Records had been a good source in the past.
10-26-12: Geoffkait
Wait'll ya get a load of Harmonia Mundi recordings like Ancient Greek Music.
Yes, Harmonia Mundi France is a great label as well. I happened to listen just a few weeks ago to this recording ("Musique de la Grece Antique" conducted by Gregorio Paniagua), for the first time in many years. Fabulous!
10-27-12: Wchang
Not to hijack the thread, but I'm curious how many of us here are fans of Early Music...
Count me as one. I find that a lot of music from the Renaissance and other early periods can be delightful, in many cases in a fun sort of way. A couple of particularly noteworthy examples, which provide exemplary sonics and also happen to be on French labels:

"Images Galantes de la Renaissance"
-- l'ensemble Polyphonia Antiqua (Pierre Verany PV4791)

"Danses Anciennes de Hongrie"
-- Clemencic Consort (Harmonia Mundi France HM1003)

-- Al