New AMG tt just arrived.

Wow I really was going nuts waiting for this Tabel to get here. Today I have someone coming to help set up and dial it in. It's much bigger then I remembered it being at ces. I got the black skirt and the 12 arm. I will post some thought after I get it up and running. It is such a beautiful thing to see. Will post pic on my page. I'm excited. One of the coolest things in the world to me. And to be honest the designer whom I talked to at ces believed in his Tabel so much that his love for this tt pushed me over the edge and I had to have it. Thank you Werner Roeschlau for doing what ya do.
Thank you rugyboogie and jfrech. I've been watching both your critical listening rooms grow over the years with beautiful gear. Good times.
Today i got home from a long trip in hawaii to find out that the designer of my beloved AMG tt has passed away. It is with great sadness that we note the passing of Werner Roeschlau of AMG, a special individual who realized his passion for engineering, machining and audio. He died in his sleep on February 28, 2013. Werner was 62 years old and is survived by his son Julian Lorenzi, Julian’s wife Carolla, and their newborn daughter Johanna.

As I enjoy my tt I will all ways remember this wounderful gentleman who took the time to speak with me at ces two years ago. Long live AMG.

As an avid audiophile, I congratulate you on a great system that undoubtedly is a source of endless joy and excitement for you. As a music lover, I too join you in your sadness at the passing of Mr. Roeschlau, a great individual who devoted much of his life to creating something beautiful that enhances our lives in a way that only we audiophiles can fully understand perhaps. I may never directly appreciate his creation, but I do feel a profound sense of loss when another designer leaves us so prematurely. In a world of mass consumption and production, individuals like Mr. Roeschlau are vestiges of what truly touches us as human beings. RIP.

That's for all the posts and a shame about the designer.

How would you compare the AMG to the clearaudio wood innovation?