has anyone had any problems w/ Jasmine phono LP2.0

One of either channels stops working.
I have already returned the unit back to China twice
They have replaced the unit and now it's gone down for the third time. I contacted a local tech in NYC and was advised
it probably would not be worth having the unit repaired.
Has anyone else had this problem? Can anyone recommend a tech
here in the states preferably in the New York area
I thought I had (left channel not working) and also posted
the pre back to China and got a new one while still keeping
the old one. But the fault was in my tonearm wiring. I am very
glad with this phono-pre which I use in my second
system mostly to test carts. In this system I use the FR-64
with removable headshell so very easy to change carts.
as Nandric suggests, are you sure it's the stage? 3 units broken is possible but unlikely. I am thinking of getting this but if you're having these issues, it gives me great pause.
I have had my Jasmine for a number of years with no issues. Nor have I read of others experiencing problems. The circuitry in the unit is quite simple and solidly constructed.

Like Nandric implies, I wonder if you have an issue elsewhere in your system?
While I haven't used them personally you can try calling American audiophile in lynbrook,ny 516.887.7530, they have a veteran repairman 40+ years in the business.