has anyone had any problems w/ Jasmine phono LP2.0

One of either channels stops working.
I have already returned the unit back to China twice
They have replaced the unit and now it's gone down for the third time. I contacted a local tech in NYC and was advised
it probably would not be worth having the unit repaired.
Has anyone else had this problem? Can anyone recommend a tech
here in the states preferably in the New York area
I personally own 2 of them and have not had a problem with either. I have recommended them and have only heard of one with a problem. The person with a problem said they sent it back and got a new one from Jasmine in China. I had one of their headphone amps that was damaged in shipping. They replaced that one with a new one. From what I can tell, they have been responsive and the units have performed well, in fact, better than units I had that cost 3 or more times the cost. The only problem with sending it back, of course, is the shipping charge. It seems like it is less expensive for items to be shipped here than for US to ship to China. I wonder if the Chinese government is subsidizing shipping from China to make their products more competitive.
Thanks to all for your time and response.
All the connection s appear to be in order
With no shorts. It tried switching inputs
To my main preamp ie tuner/phono swap
The problem didn't go away.
Looks like its going back to China.
I will however contact American audiophile
To speak with their tech.
Maybe I don't understand your description, but if you switched between a tuner and your phono stage and the problem persisted, that would mean that the problem is not necessarily the stage. Can your system play digital? If so, I take it the issues don't arise when using it?

The same sort of thing has happened to me. Once I could have sworn a tube had gone bad but it turned out one of my ic's was problematic. It took me days to figure it out.

But if it is the unit, I can't believe they're making you pay to ship it back! 3 times!

I'm having the unit repaired locally.Apparently the problem is in fact a blown FET. According to the tech, FETS are very susceptible to static electricity. I'm keeping this one as a spare once returned, making sure whatever I decide to get going forward is grounded directly to the electrical outlet.